Saturday, May 03, 2008

Don't Fail Yourself



“C’mon, this is a reality show, if the judges are rude to a female contestant who isn’t up to the mark, so what? The judges should be sarcastic and blow her up for a bad performance, that’s what she deserves.”

“It was only a slap that the captain gave him, after all! That is no reason to suspend an excellent cricketer!
All’s fair in the name of having a great time, these incidents spice up a dull match and get more eyeballs for the television channel!”

Such responses come from those who believe that anything goes in the name of entertainment. These people who are abusive and hurtful are seen as successful human beings who have arrived.

But Is this real, authentic success? My idea of a successful woman is not one who has stepped on all kinds of toes to arrive, but one who can persuade others to accept her view without stepping on their feelings. She won’t be the woman who screams, “Shut up!” to her parents or in-laws. It’s the other woman who know how to stand up for herself without breaking anybody’s spirit or sense of dignity, who is truly a winner. She’s the one who knows that it is honey and not vinegar that attracts flies.

Will others cooperate more with me if I am rude to them at the bank, at the office or at home? We ourselves avoid uncouth persons because they are not fun to have around. In our free time when we want to chill, we seek out people without temper tantrums. Rudeness causes bad vibes, and bad karma. Avoided by others, a rude person isolates herself because of her poor attitude. Opportunities dry up on her and she soon finds herself a failure.

For those of us who enjoy watching others being humiliated, its time for us to ask ourselves why we do so. If we really believe this is “cool”, why do we look for polite and well mannered people when we hire anybody?

At any gathering observe how the loud and rude person holds everybody’s attention. He is desperate for attention at any cost. More often than not, the loudest person in the room is the weakest.