Thursday, August 31, 2006


Can one take advice on a certain subject from somebody who has no personal experience of that subject?
How good will my life be, if I ask Bill Gates about my stomach ache?
What if parents asked advice about rearing their children of somebody who is childless?
Or asking Miss Unmarried Careerwoman about marriage and domestic bliss?

And yet one sees this happening so often, we have even forgotten to question ourselves on this.

Leo Buscaglia the prophet of love, preaches love unlimited, tolerance, living together in large families etc when he is unmarried!

What happened to love in his case? Was it for the birds?

I find it strange that we take such people seriously merely because they are great wordsmiths and entertaining speakers and they know how to project a certain philosophy with the right packaging.
This is an important question. We have people who are reported to have never fallen in love speaking volumes about it, we have sages writing tomes on marital bliss who dare not get married for fear of getting attached. How in God's name do we accept the words of a person such as this? he has only observed, he has not experienced. In matters such as this, observation is not enough, its the day-to-day trial by fire that a person is put to.
I personally don't ask advice of people who have sworn never to be in my position. So what is that but a form of escapism?
Which is not to under-rate the sages on other subjects for which they are eminently qualified to speak. It's like asking a poor man for advice on how to make money, would you do it?His observation isn't enough.

Our views need to be translated into our lives. Talking about large, boisterous happy families and then living in a home occupied by one, never getting married, never having children, what gives him the power to shape our destinies and leave his own untouched?

Who did you turn to for advice recently? Check if you asked the plumber for an electrical fault.
While you are at it, take a minute to check if you asked a sanyaasi guru for tips on marital bliss. Come on, if he knew the way to marital bliss, why would he take sanyaas? Does anyone turn away from bliss?
He hasn't found the way, and we'd rather be otriches.


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